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I began doing mosaics in 2008 as way to add year-round color to my garden and as a creative outlet to balance my legal work.   The ideas were soon flowing so fast that mosaics transititioned from a hobby to a business.  My passion for mosaics continues to grow!   


I started out using primarily recycled tile and thrift store china, glass, and metal; my 'palette' has since expanded to include a wide variety of glass and porcelain tile.  I also create handmade ceramic leaves, flowers, birds and other shapes to include in my mosaics.  My work includes functional pieces like benches, chairs,  tables & mirrors, as well as sculptures, memorials, and custom mosacis for the garden.    


I love the solid, durable nature of mosaics, and the idea of making something beautiful out of old, cast-off or broken bits and pieces.  Many of my pieces are inspired by the beautiful gardens and wild places of the Pacific Northwest where I live; some are inspired by a song, or a poem, or by the materials themselves.  I enjoy experimenting with new color combinations, and am attracted to bright colors that warm up the often-grey skies of the Pacific Northwest. The paradox of using hard, cold materials to create art that is full of joy, life, warmth, and movement also interests me, as does the technical challenge of making mosaics that stand up to the weather.  


A 2016 workshop at Sherri Warner Hunter's studio in Bell Buckle, TN gave me the tools I needed to create more diverse sculptural shapes, like birds, fish, hearts and human forms.   A generous friend retiring from stained glass work gave me all of her beautiful art glass, which is working its way into my art.    I acquired a used kiln in 2018, and am playing with new ideas for ceramic garden art.   Check back later!


                                                                                                                                 Lynn Torno

                                                                                                                                 Bellingham, WA


Member, Society of American Mosaics Artists

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